All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Native Gutenberg support.
Native Elementor support.
Added settings link to plugins management page.
Plugin now do not register new users if 'Anyone can register' option are disabled.
Automatic plugin logouts on access revocation completely removed, error shown instead.
WP 5.8.1 dashboard theme style update.
[3.0.0-beta.9] closed beta
Now progressbar screen scrolling tasks list on big amount of tasks.
Scrollbars in widgets are now styled.
Authorization error page now has Discord styles.
[Customer Request] You can now filter authorizing users by allowed guilds.
[Customer Request] You can now filter authorizing users by disallowed guilds.
You can now filter authorizing users by profile verification.
You can now filter authorizing users by membership screening.
[Customer Request] You can now filter authorizing users by allowed roles.
[Customer Request] You can now filter authorizing users by disallowed roles.
There are now additional tabs around the admin panel.
Now rate limits are tracked in all users role syncing.
Error messages more informative, now it outputs errors and recommendations from saving data to database.
Now some settings have default setup on clean installation.
Connected users button moved to roles section in settings page.
[Customer Request] Sync front-end button shortcode now syncing member data as well. Shortcode key dwpp-sync-roles-button replaced with dwpp-sync-user-button.
Broken role bindings after authorization to a different guild.
Plugin now cleans all WP options if was deleted.
Now if registering Discord member have the same login as someone of existing WP users, login will be formed with discriminator or timestamp.
[3.0.0-beta.8] closed beta
Now roles syncing at the moment when user profile saved.
Support for emojis in channel and role names.
Now plugin fetching data about single guild member when new user registered, authorized or attached new profile.
[Customer Request] Button to manually call roles synchronization for currently authorized WP user.
[3.0.0-beta.7] closed beta
Opportunity to disconnect Discord profile on admin panel profile page.
[Customer Request] Button to connect or disconnect Discord profile to currently authorized WP user.
Private channels access error no longer stops synchronization, now channel are skipped.
Now bot doubles permission request during authorization.
Now users can authorize with Discord profile if their WP email and Discord email are different, but Discord profile are connected.
During members fetching plugin are now listening to Discord server limits and waits if download limit a reached.
Long URLs in chat widget now breaks to multiple lines.
Members and invite banners now do not reload page on click if no invite link was assigned.
Banner widgets no longer break links styles.
[3.0.0-beta.6] closed beta
Added roles synchronization if WP user with connected Discord profile logged in with WP credentials.
Invite link not found error after plugin deactivation without logout.
[3.0.0-beta.5] closed beta
Added support for communities larger than 1000 members.
Error messages now more informative, now it outputs Discord API responses with recommendations.
Fixed translation strings for some error messages.
Fixed JavaScript error during default widget height change.
During invite links fetching plugin are now listening to Discord server limits and waits if download limit a reached.
Options in settings no longer hide if related plugin is not installed.
Output in templates now escaped better.
[3.0.0-beta.4] closed beta
Fixed members synchronization recursion.
[3.0.0-beta.3] closed beta
Roles synchronization now described in more details in documentation.
Widget`s backgrounds are now in vector.
[3.0.0-beta.2] closed beta
[Customer Request] Methods that makes direct API request to change roles of the guild member.
Plugin now works with databases with disabled fulltext index.
[3.0.0-beta.1] closed beta
[Customer Request] Added model method that allows you to get Discord id from public name format like 'NPetrovich#9552'.
Now plugin using login and discriminator combination to describe the user.
When connecting Discord profile by id, data search in user profile page now checks with fetched guild members data.
[2.1.0-beta.1] closed beta
User roles now syncing on manual changes in the user profiles and changes from other plugins.
Now you can see the connected for announcements channel in settings.
Roles synchronization now described in more details in documentation.
Users with manually disconnected Discord profiles no longer appear in scheduled roles syncing.
Users with no Discord roles no longer skip roles syncing.
[2.0.0] - 2021-07-26
WordPress 5.8 support. Widgets are working, but it is not a native Gutenberg blocks.
Profile and bot data now update properly.
Returned redirect after first installation update.
Fixed incorrect translation strings.
Fixed double redirect cookies in Chrome.
Fixed redirect to favicon image after authorization.
Fixed email collection loss in the case when a user had attached Discord profile before plugin installation.
Blocked direct access to PHP scripts.
[2.0.0-beta.2] closed beta
Now all roles of the users syncing automatically every 4 days. Also, the roles of a particular user synced when he logged in or registered with the Discord account.
[Customer Request] Integration with The Events Calendar plugin.
[Customer Request] Integration with Modern Events Calendar plugin.
[Customer Request] Now you can make setup roles synchronization from Discord roles to WordPress roles.
Further optimized messages fetching from Discord server.
Significantly decreased possibility for Discord server to limit download rates.
Further improved error reporting. Now:
Long processes with the progress bar show errors and success messages on each items;
Single data item synchronizations now display error messages as well.
Now if website bot is not in the private channel you will see message about it. This error no longer disconnects the plugin.
[2.0.0-beta.1] closed beta
[Customer Request] You can now synchronize roles from WordPress users to Discord users.
[Customer Request] Plugin now saves Discord ID and Discord email if the user connected or logged in with a Discord profile. As the admin, you can manually reassign profiles. Already registered users can connect their Discord profile as well.
Updated design of admin panel UI. Improved admin panel pages adaptation on mobile devices.
[Customer Request] Now you can see a searchable list of all WordPress users with connected Discord profiles.
Now you can update each data type cache separately.
Completely rebuild database structure to increase synchronization speed and optimize performance with large-scale communities.
Review button now directs to the CodeCanyon downloads page.
Long tasks now execute with a progress bar and events log.
Settings from supported but not installed plugins are now hidden.
Improved errors reporting. Now plugin showing:
more precise moments during which parsing error was acquired;
displays response texts from Discord server if any was sent;
tries to predict mistakes during installation or server configuration;
suggests section in help tub if such available.
Long names no longer break the front-end widgets template.
Now users, bots, and guilds without avatars will be displayed with a default thumbnail.
Fixed plugin logout after 4 days.
Invite links now updating in a single transaction and no longer will be removed if Discord server limited data rate.
If the connected guild has no channels, some widgets now will show notification errors others will have partially disabled functionality.
Invites data now updates with channels data, there are no longer unsynchronized time spans during background synchronization.
Fixed not found woocommerce.php file notice.
Plugin no longer logs out during not critical data update blocks from the Discord server.
Removed dwpp_widget_theme_selected and dwpp_widget_colors_selected classes from front-end template of the widgets.
Unverified Discord profiles can no longer authorize or register on the website.
[1.0.3] - 2021-06-22
Images in chats that are smaller than chat width no longer stretched to full width.
Some images are now compressed better.
Installation guide images in admin panel are no longer stretching so width.
Fixed multiple coloring bugs in admin panel color schemes.
Widgets no longer display notifications about Elementor $_POST actions.
Fixed error about array_key_first function on PHP 5.6.
Fixed Quick Message widget in WordPress 4.9.
Fixed Update Now button in WordPress 4.9.
Fixed abstract static function notice.
Functionality on old unsupported Woocommerce versions are now automatically disabled.
Fixed bug that crashed widgets page in admin panel if Discord profile are not connected.
[1.0.2] - 2021-05-24
[Customer Request] You can now turn on styled button view for authentication and comments buttons.
[1.0.1] - 2021-05-17
Partially blocked incorrect WP widgets rendering in Elemntor editor.
Fixed authentication logout after 7 days. To apply a fix before 7 days expire you need to reconnect the plugin.
Error from no parsed channels in channel list widget.
[1.0.0] - 2021-05-12 - Initial Release
Last updated
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